Jonathan Hobaugh began his employment with Community Living and Support Services in 2010. First working in the computer lab with participants, and then getting to know staff through the helpdesk system, Jon is now the Technology Director, and has grown quite fond of the mission and culture at CLASS.
Some of his responsibilities include, of course, daily administration of the CLASS data network and systems, as well as continued support for all staff, both in-house and remote. He oversees and coordinates all IT-related projects. Because technology is something that all departments use in some way, communication and involvement from everyone are key factors, and are things Jon tries to integrate in all phases no matter what the project may be.
While handling the above duties and responsibilities, Jonathan also likes to be as involved as possible in all things at CLASS. Managing the Technology Committee, he meets regularly to evaluate and discuss all aspects of IT with other committee members, some of whom also sit on the CLASS Board of Directors. Jon is also part of the Safety and Wellness Committee, and takes part in multiple agency fundraising events, such as the Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community and the South Side Summer Open.