Planting the Seeds of Tomorrow for CLASS Today
“Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree long ago.” -Warren Buffet
Established in 1951, Community Living and Support Services (CLASS) has filled the roles of caregiver, supporter, advocate, and friend in the lives of many men, women, and children with disabilities throughout the years. With great determination, CLASS has worked tirelessly so all people, regardless of ability, can lead fulfilling lives as active members of their communities.
It is through the supporters of the organization that CLASS can continue to play such valuable roles in the lives of the individuals we support. CLASS invites you to make a donation to “The Giving Tree” Campaign, receiving a leaf or a dove to recognize your family’s role within the organization. Donations for leaves or doves can be made in honor or memory of loved ones.
Can we count on you to continue supporting CLASS’s mission of Working Toward A Community Where Each Belongs? Your gift will enable individuals to receive care in their homes, the opportunity to participate in the community, support volunteer and vocational efforts, and provide affordable, accessible housing.
We hope you will join us in leaving your legacy, so we can continue ours.
Online donations will be active soon, until then please call 412-683-7100 or 1-888-954-2424, extension 2152 to reach Linda Robertson to learn more!