CLASS provides ESY services to young adults who are nearing the age of 21 and will soon graduate from high school.
Extended School Year is a program which provides children or young adults with services during the summer months. ESY programming is an important part of the IEP and should be determined by the IEP team based on the individual needs of the person.
CLASS’s Community Skill Building Program offers year-round courses that encourage independent living through classroom instruction, and community-based volunteer and recreational opportunities. The course catalog offers a variety of classes that range from discussion-based to more functional type learning environments. These courses also offer opportunities for people to learn or re-learn skills, and generalize them to other environmental settings such as their school, home, or community.
While ESY programs are organized differently by each school district; ESY programs are generally school- based and involve little recreational activity. For many of the individuals currently supported through CLASS, the ESY is four weeks in duration. Although, ESY services are not necessarily limited to the summer break, and may be necessitated as a result of winter and other holiday breaks that are one or two weeks in length.
Typically students begin transitioning from high school one to two years prior to graduation. This is arranged by a transition coordinator and accomplished through a shared schedule between the high school and CLASS’s Centre Services Skill Building Team.
If you or someone you know is interested in ESY programming, please contact Courtney Walker, Director of Education and CPS Services at 412-683-7100 ext. 2153, 1-888-954-2424, or via our online contact form.