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CLASS joins our community in mourning the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and too many others. These tragic events have saddened, angered, and mobilized us, making us realize that we have much work to do before we achieve the ideal of equal justice for all. These black lives matter, just as all black lives do. As an organization, we cannot stand idly by in silence while injustice exists in our communities.

These recent events remind us that hatred and inequality is still present, and our communities as well as the people CLASS supports are experiencing anger, fear, frustration, and hopelessness. These events do not reflect the core values CLASS observes. Since its inception, the mission of CLASS was designed to celebrate differences. The inequities that surround us still today work against the hard work CLASS, and many organizations like us, have fought to preserve.

All people have the right to live, work, and play safely in their own communities. All people have the right to be treated with respect and dignity. Dignity, respect, and safety are the rights for all people. It is our job to listen and learn from the voices in our communities, especially when they are different from ours. It is our responsibility to educate ourselves to make our community a better place. We stand with the members of the Black Community.

CLASS will continue to promote acceptance, inclusion, and understanding. Today, more than ever, CLASS is confirming its commitment to achieving a community where each belongs.