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In the spirit of the holiday season, Community Living and Support Services (CLASS) wants to take a moment to thank you for your support and investment in our organization. Whether it be as a consumer, sponsor, employee, volunteer, stakeholder, or friend; CLASS couldn’t think of a better way to say, “Thank You” than to share a reason for which we are most appreciative of our partnership.

Margie, one of the people who benefits from CLASS’ services, would also like to thank you for providing her with residential options and skill building opportunities that allow her to continue to volunteer in the community. Through classes offered by Centre Services, combined with support from Residential Services, Margie has learned valuable skills such as cooking, managing her finances, and vocational skills to explore volunteer opportunities. Thanks to CLASS’s ongoing support, and Margie’s perseverance, she leads an interdependent lifestyle and volunteers regularly in her community, logging over ten years of service at a local library. Along with CLASS this holiday season, there are many others like Margie who will be celebrating changes that have occurred, lessons that have been learned, and dreams that have been fulfilled.

A gift this holiday season can have a huge impact on people like Margie who is supported through the programs and services offered by CLASS. Your gift of $25 allows CLASS to provide an hour of personal care through the Attendant Care Program, or assist a child with a disability participate in an activity in the community. A gift of $50 can provide an individual an hour of class time or vocational development through the Community Skill Building Program. A gift of $100 allows CLASS to deliver an hour of community case management through the Community Partners Program. To make your gift online, visit

Your continued commitment helps CLASS meet its mission of Working Toward A Community Where Each Belongs throughout the new year. We wish you and yours the most blessed holiday season and look forward to a 2015 filled with passion and commitment to serving others.